Sony Files Patent to Use NFT Tech for Keeping Track of in-Game Digital Assets; Introduces Moments Market

Sony has filed a Patent to utilize NFT and decentralized leadger technology to track the movements and changes of in-game digital assets. The filing is titled “Tracking Unique Ingame Digital Assets Using Tokens On a Distributed Ledger”, and was introduced July 2021. It describes a system that mints tokens to track the history of each of these assets within a given environment.

The description states that each player’s actions on an item will be recorded, including any trades or modifications to its structure. This allows the company to track which actions are most common and how often they occur on different items.

Patent also mentions “video game digital media assets representing moments in gameplay of a game, such video clips or images,” which opens up the possibility for users to create their own NFT moments to trade. The proposed system would also track these assets.

NFT Moments Marketplace

These moments would be considered media products and include important interactions that can then be classified according their rarity. The filing states that video of tournaments or moments of achievement could be sold and will be given an AI-based classification.

Although the patent was filed last year, the company has yet to report on the use of the system or any similar systems and has not created a marketplace for those moments.

Some gaming communities have criticized the use of NFTs in gaming applications. They cite the potential for energy waste and other sustainability concerns. Sony has previously partnered with other companies in order to use NFTs. , a company from , partnered to demonstrate the potential of its SDR tablet using 3D NFTs in May.

In May 2021, Sony also filed a Patent that would allow bitcoin wagering on its Playstation Series of consoles.

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